Privacy Policy


Encompass OT is committed to protecting your personal information. We agree to comply with the Federal Law Privacy Act 1988, as well as the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 and Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002, as directed by the NSW Information and Privacy Commission.

This privacy policy is based on the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) set out in the Privacy Act 1988 and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner's (OAIC) APP Guidelines.

What are the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs)?

The APPs regulate the way that organisations can collect, use, keep, secure and disclose personal information. It also gives individuals the right to know what information an organisation holds about them and a right to request the information provided be corrected if they believe it to be incorrect.

Further information regarding the APPs can be found by following this link 

Why does Encompass OT need your personal information?

When you request service with Encompass OT information is collected about you. This information may include:

  • Personal Details - your name, address and date of birth, parents/family members etc.
  • Sensitive Information - your health status, local doctor, medications, lifestyle choices, financial details etc.
  • Personal Information - your likes/dislikes, personal goals etc.

We will make every effort to ensure that your information is kept up-to-date. We appreciate your assistance in telling us when your situation changes.

This collection of your information is necessary for the acceptance of your referral and to enable assessment of the services and supports you need from us.

Collection and use of your information by Encompass OT

Encompass OT aims to collect information in a useful, fair, lawful and non-intrusive manner. All information gathered is used or disclosed solely for the original purpose of collection: to facilitate best practice service provision for the client. We collect your personal information mainly from you, your family, carer or advocate. We may also collect information from other people and organisations you tell us about.

As part of the assessment process, information is collected through observation of performance as well as through questionnaires, discussion, and reports from other professionals. Information held may also include clinical session notes, emails, transcripts of telephone conversations and work samples. With signed consent, video, photo and audio information of client's performance for assessment or intervention purposes is also held.

We will ask you to give us your consent to do this by filling in the consent forms Permission to Display Photos and Videos, and Authority to Obtain and Release Information.

We will get your permission before we obtain information from people and organisations outside Encompass OT. Any information that is given to us from another person or organisation that will not help us provide services to you will be disregarded and securely destroyed.

What information about you will Encompass OT disclose?

The information we collect from you is strictly confidential. Only staff members involved in your service provision have access to the information you have provided.

Security exists to ensure the confidentiality of that information. Any staff member who has access to this information is bound by a duty of confidentiality, has signed the Confidentiality Agreement, and has received training in protecting your privacy.

Information may be provided to other health professionals as required as part of our care and services for you. Your permission will be obtained before information is released.

Your information may need to be provided to government agencies and other funding bodies to comply with funding agreements.

By law, we are required to disclose information without permission in exceptional circumstances. These may include evidence of abuse, issue of a court order, location of a missing person or prevention of serious and imminent threat to a person's health or welfare.

Storage, retention and destruction of your information

Your information will be securely stored in locked files and/or on password protected electronic files.

By law, we hold useful information electronically or in hard copy for 7 years after discharge or until the client is 25 years, whichever is the longer.

All information about you that we are not required to keep or is no longer useful for the provision of services to you will be destroyed by mechanical shredding.

How can you access your personal information?

You are entitled to access the personal information you have provided to Encompass OT and to request that the information be corrected if it is incorrect.

Contacting us about your personal information

If you have any questions regarding our Privacy Policy or this Statement or you would like to gain access to correct or update your personal information, please contact the business manager at:

Phone: 0419 948 540
Address: PO BOX 385,
Cobar NSW 2835

Breach of principles

If you believe that Encompass OT has breached any of the above principles please advise the Manager, Nicola Harbison, in writing. The information you provide will then be handled through formal procedures. If you are not satisfied with the way I work to resolve the breach you may contact:
• Officer of the Australian Information Commissioner. W: T: 1300 363 992
• Occupational Therapy Australia W:
• Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency (AHPRA) W: possible outcomes include an apology, change to Encompass OT's policies and procedures, staff training or compensation for financial or non-financial loss.